讲座题目:Halide Perovskite and Perovskite-Related Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Optical Properties, Heterostructures


Halide Perovskite and Perovskite-Related Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Optical Properties, Heterostructures


Halide perovskite semiconductors can merge the highly efficient operational principles of conventional inorganic semiconductors with the lowtemperature solution processability of emerging organic and hybrid materials, offering a promising route towards cheaply generating electricity as well as light. Following a surge of interest in this class of materials, research on halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) has gathered momentum in the last years. While most of the emphasis has been put on CsPbX3 perovskite NCs, more recently the so-called double perovskite NCs, having chemical formula A+2B+B3+X6, have been identified as possible alternative materials, together with various other metal halides structures and compositions, often doped with different elements. This talk will also discuss the research efforts of our group on these materials. I will highlight how for example halide double perovskite NCs are less surface tolerant than the corresponding Pb-based perovskites. Other topics that will be covered are the role of surface ligands on stabilizing the NCs, doping, and our ongoing research on various other metal halides (for example the Mn-based ones). I will also show our recent results on the synthesis and advanced characterization of heterostructured nanocrystals in which at least one domain is a halide perovskite.


Liberato Manna, 2001年毕业于意大利巴里大学,获化学专业博士学位。2001-2003年在加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究。2003-2009年就职于意大利莱切国家纳米技术实验室,2009年至今任职于意大利理工学院,任纳米化学系主任,材料与纳米技术项目副主任,同时兼职热那亚大学(意大利)理论化学教授与德尔夫特理工大学(荷兰) 卡夫利纳米科学研究所量子纳米科学教授。2018年至2022年任 NanoscaleNanoscale Advances期开副主编,2022年至今任Nano Letters副主编,同时Chemistry of Materials (ACS), Journal of Experimental Nanoscience Journal of Nano-Optics and Nanoelectronics, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization (Wiley)Frontiers in Materials, Chem等期刊的编委会成员, Liberato Manna教授在Science, Nat, Energy, Nat, Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc.等期刊发表科研论文320余篇,其中高被引论文25篇,热点论文3篇,封面文章10篇,总引用次数50000余次。2011年,Liberato Manna教授在汤森路透统计的2000-2010十年间全球前100名化学家中排名24

时间:2023-3-21  15:30  
