讲座题目:Recent Advancements in Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals and Nanocomposites for Radiation Detection


Recent Advancements in Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals and Nanocomposites for Radiation Detection


The urgency for affordable and reliable detectors for ionizing radiation in medical diagnostics, nuclear control and particle physics is generating growing demand for innovative scintillator devices combining efficient scintillation, fast emission lifetime, high interaction probability with ionizing radiation, as well as mitigated reabsorption to suppress losses in large volume/high-density detectors. Prized for their solution processability, strong light-matter interaction, large electron-hole diffusion length and tunable, intense luminescence at visible wavelengths, lead halide perovskite nanocrystals (LHP-NCs) are attracting growing attention as highly efficient emitters in artificial light sources and as high-Z materials for next generation scintillators and photoconductors for ionizing radiation detection. Nonetheless, several key aspects, such as the nature of the emissive states under ionizing radiation, the trapping and detrapping mechanisms to/from shallow and deep trap states involved in the scintillation process and the radiation hardness of LHP NCs and LHP NC-based plastic nanocomposites under high doses of ionizing radiation are still not fully understood, leaving scientists without clear indications of the suitability of LHP-NCs in real world radiation detectors or design strategies for materials optimization. In this talk, I will present on our recent strategies for high performance radiation detection schemes and will report recent spectroscopic results of the scintillation process and its competitive phenomena, ultimately offering a possible path to the realization of highly efficient and extremely radiation hard LHP-NCs.


Sergio Brovelli2006年毕业于米兰比科卡大学,获材料科学博士学位。2006-2009年在伦敦大学学院从事博士后研究,期间获得玛丽居里奖学金资助。2010-2012年在美国洛斯·阿拉莫斯国家实验室从事博士后研究,期间获得实验室主任基金资助。2012年起正式入职米兰比科卡大学材料系。Brovelli教授的研究工作集中于新型结构半导体纳米晶的制备和光谱学,以及有机和无机纳米材料在光伏、发光、传感和生物医学等相关的光子器件中的应用。Brovelli教授在Nat. Nanotech., Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater., Nano Lett.等期刊发表科研论文120多篇,总引用次数8000余次。

时间:2023-3-21  14:30  
